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Thursday, December 13, 2007

can exercise increase bust size ?

Can Exercise Increase Bust Size?

While exercise can't actually increase the size of your breasts, the use of weights can strengthen the underlying muscles. The gym offers lots of machines that will allow you to slowly increase the weights that you use, or you could start off with two cans of spaghetti sauce. Lying on your back, with knees bent, bring your arms together slowly while holding onto the cans. Lower the arms again (keeping arms slightly bent) and work your way up to three sets of 10 - 12 reps. Did you know that bad posture will hide what you might already possess... so stand up tall! While we are talking about breast, I might as well let you in on a secret. If you don't apply lots of sunblock to the chest area now, you are going to have horrid age spots in the future. So many teens and young women, forget to apply sunblock below their necks.

Start now so you don't have to worry about it in the years to come!

Product to introduce : Dermacare Bust serum !!!

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